Conference Room Design: Revamp your design with these Tips
When the word conference room is used, generally a classic room, often comparatively larger than others, with a long table running down the center surrounded by multiple chairs comes to mind. And when asked to describe the purpose or intent of such rooms, the answer lies somewhere between the meeting room and the idea room. In simple words, a conference room is the one place in the office where projects begin and end. They are used to close deals with clients, brainstorm ideas for the next assignment, present pitches, and whatnot. And that is why its significance cannot be avoided.
For quite some time, businesses are starting to understand the importance of interior design in a workplace and how it is related to the productivity, creativity, and efficiency of employees. But when it comes to conference rooms, people tend to follow the herd. They go for the trite designs, but what they do not realize is every company is unique, even if the product is the same, and hence the company environment ought to be unique. The workspace should represent the idea of the company rather than the type of business. Today we have made a list of all the essential elements that any conference room design should incorporate.
Let us learn what they are.
Starting with the obvious one, your conference room should be located in a quiet and secluded area. It should be away from the places where the hustle-bustle of the workplace could be easily heard like coffee rooms. If a client is in your office for a deal, they will spend their time in the conference room only, and so it is essential to make sure that they get the right impression. The best office interior company in Dubai suggests placing the conference room near the manager's room because it is also mostly in a quiet corner. If your workplace is small then you should opt for soundproof doors and walls to maintain silence. Other than a noiseless environment, one needs to ensure the size of the room. It should be spacious enough to provide a seat to everyone in the room without cramping them up and having their elbows touched. Conference rooms are supposed to be a balance between comfort and efficiency and that balance is mainly maintained by choosing the appropriate location.
After you have allocated the space, you need to bring in furniture. Quirky pieces such as bean bag chairs sound like a good idea, however, they can impact negatively by being too comfortable. The meeting attendees should be in work mode. However, they need to be comfortable as well. If their back or neck starts to ache in the middle of the meeting, they won’t be able to focus. Therefore, it is a good idea to get ergonomic chairs that last long and are movable. The next important piece is the table. Choosing the table mainly depends on the kind of work that happens inside the conference room of your business. A rectangle table is good for more objective centered meetings while a u-shaped table is good for activity-based ones. If your conference room is large enough, you can also bring in lounge seating for extra space.
The vital role of lighting in a conference room is not hidden from anyone. It is much difficult to get work done in a dark and dingy room. Natural light is known to work best for meeting rooms. That does mean artificial lights are not essential. Some meetings may be held during
the evening, and that is where they will come into play. However, during presentations, the room needs to pitch black so, make sure you get thick curtains to cover up the windows that let in light from outside. Also, a bonus tip by the topmost interior design companies in Dubai is to get lights with the right temperature that do not glare too much and are not harsh on the eyes.
Technology Stack
Gone are the days when conference rooms would have a whiteboard. This is the era of projectors and LCD screens. Especially after the pandemic last year, most of the meetings are done through video conferencing. Therefore, it is vital to have high-quality audio and video equipment. Another thing we would like to mention is to get a proper thermostat controller in your conference room to avoid too hot or too cold temperature.
This may be last on the list, but it is just as significant. The small elements that come under this category play a vital role in performance. First things first, choose an appropriate color. There are myriad factors to consider like the size of the room and how you want to reflect your brand. The second thing to ensure is to have a tidy conference room with proper storage for files and cables. It can be pretty difficult to choose the correct decor for your conference room. Therefore, we highly suggest hiring an interior designer to do the job for you while you focus on other pivotal business tasks.
The conference room in any office is supposed to reflect the goals and values of the company and so we recommend taking some time out to make sure yours is doing the job for your brand. It sets the first impression for some clients, especially those who never visit the office and contact over video calls only. Therefore, kick up your conference room designs with these tips and improve engagement, collaboration, and creativity like never before.
More info: Appellointeriors
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